Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Painted Hands

We've got these funny things at the end of our arms, but who knew they could be canvases?

From Visual Funhouse.com


Unknown said...

that is soawesome!!
thanks for sharing!

i cant wait to show my kids, lol

Matthew Gauvin said...

LOL. That's awesome. I just posted that same image on my blog a few days ago along with a bunch of other weird mediums an such. I love these painted hands. Lots more on their website.

Will Kelly said...

When I was a kid I was obsessed with this hand art, and there was a series of a couple of books at my library that an artist (I can't remember his name) had done. I checked them out every chance I got. What fun!

bastien said...

nice! that's fun !

Anonymous said...

i love this! my favorite was always the elephant, but now it changed to the giraffe!

Ashleigh Davidson said...

I want one of these!! Wait...what? It's someone's hand? Hm....this poses a problem...

Angela said...

I was just showing these to my daughter a few days ago - found them while websurfing. The vast number forms that people's creativity can take just blows my mind...

Angela said...


Thought you might enjoy these also if you're feeling like exploring the 'non-traditional' art forms.

They're tacky as all heck...but awfully fun anyway!


Tyler J said...

I like the elephant best myself (sorry Stari! I think you had it right before). The use of the natural skin texture really sells it.

sfox said...

They really make a visual impact when you see them printed on big panels in an airport concourse. I think both United and AmEx are using the guy in their ads.

asherwrites said...

I saw something like this on a site once. Very Cool.

Roberto said...

Most portrait artists will tell you that the most difficult part of the anatomy to paint is the hands. Now I have a good solution the next time i have a difficult pair of appendages... I'll turn them into birds! -RQ

W i e d e s i g n a r c h said...

Great!!!! almo0st tricks me!!
^__^like it so much...

Scott Daly said...

Wow. I knew these were large but not this gigantic! I wonder how difficult it was transporting these suckers.

Steve said...

Will, the books were probably Humands, by Mario Mariotti. I had them in my classroom in the '80s. Still available through Amazon. Same concept though not as fully realized as the images on Visual Funhouse.

Anonymous said...

Awesome hand painting! I never knew that hand painting evolved into such. What I knew about it is just simple abstract designs.
kitchen table

kosmiksoul said...

Guido Daniele ;)