I recently announced a
contest: "How would an Art Nouveau designer (such as Alphonse Mucha or Henri Privat-Livemont) design a label for an imaginary product called "Lionfish Shampoo?"
You came through with AMAZING entries, and today I am excited to share the results. It was impossible for me to pick just five winners, so I decided to choose my favorite ten finalists—which was not easy.
I am going to let you, the blog readers, help me narrow them down to the first, second, and third. Please vote in the poll in the column at left. It's OK to enlist your social media to pimp votes, but remember, voting closes in two days. Instead of giving away just three prize packages of signed Dinotopia goodies, I'll be sending something to everyone in the top ten.
Candice Broersma |
Devin and Josh Korwin |
Eric Wasshem |
Jaimie Whitbread |
Jari Paananen |
Katie Small |
Matthew Mulford |
Michelle Spalding |
Patrick Waugh |
Pui Che |
Please vote in the poll at left to select your favorite from the finalists above.
Below is a gallery of all the entries I was able to process. If I have overlooked your entry, please send it to me again as a JPEG attachment, and I'll try to add it.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Thanks, everyone for entering, and doing such beautiful work. Don't forget to vote in the poll in the column at left.
Lionfish Contest announced
so many wicked entries, you guys are awesome!
James, thank you for sharing all these entries! Curiosity was killing me. And I see your delima in choosing just five, these are actually even better than I presumed! And I knew there would be some good ones. Finalist Katie Small is a friend of mine from IMC. I told her Saturday, I thought she really had a shot. Good luck to our finalists!
All of these are great! I wouldn't have known what to choose! Just voted.
I'll try to finish the colours on mine soon and post it on my blog.
Congratulations to all the finalists! Seeing all the entries, not only the first ten, I realised there were so many more things to try and to experiment with. It was a great challenge and I learned so much from it, not last the necessity of planning and getting things done fast :)
Not to be totally clueless, but how do I vote? I would love to vote for Katie Small's art work.
Cassie, that's OK. Look for the poll toward the top of the left hand column. Click on the name of your favorite entry, and then check the results.
Wow, extremely impressive. So much talent out there. Thank you James for expanding the finalists to ten instead of five.
James, I would like to ask one final question. What qualities helped you make you choices when selecting the top ten?
Wow! Congratulations everyone! These are all very impressive.
Flickr is a good image hosting site with a great upload system, virtually unlimited space and unlimited traffic. It also has a good organization system so you can sort files into sets and stuff like that.
Flickr possibly for photo sharing of all entries? I think they are free. And, all are so great! Michelle Spaulding your my fave, but they are really all awesome. Great job guys.
Imgur is another free imagehost. You don't need an account to host with them, but it's a good idea.
They are all fantastic but a little too much Mucha. Kathie Small's idea of a black girl is very good but I voted for Patrick Waugh as I find his style quite different from the other's. :o)
Wow, how it is possible that there are so many good entries?
Just one things is looking weird, the last one has a label in czech language over it. Why?:)
Tomas, with the help of a friend, Pui took the liberty of adding the words "Lionfish Shampoo" in the Czech language because Alphonse Mucha was a Czech artist from the Art Nouveau Artist, and Pui wanted to give tribute to Mucha's native tongue.
Thanks for the image hosting suggestions. I had trouble uploading in Flickr (my denseness, I'm sure) but I'll try Imgur.
Keith, it was so hard to choose 10 because so many were awesome. I was considering the overall harmony of design, line, color, pose, mood, graphics, and conceptual originality.
Great to see all the submissions, I attempted another quick sketch but it didn't get through http://www.graeme-skinner.co.uk/img7/graeme-lionfish-label2_650.jpg
Now to try and pick a favourite to vote on :-/
Thanks for the Flickr suggestion. I've got the gallery back up.
All the artwork is top notch. My favorite created by Michelle Spalding. But I don't really like any of the choices for the fonts. Sure they're nice and fancy but I feel that the fonts used for the words look like they're basically drowning. They have trouble standing out. If I was to see these on the shelf someplace sure I'd be attracted by the wonderful illustration but It would take a double look to see what the contents where.
Holy guacamole, Batman! There are some really great submissions here! No wonder you are having trouble choosing! Great job, everyone! ! ! Now to figure out for whom to vote! :)
I'd love to see the Korwin brothers pull into the lead! They're the only ones who aren't riffing on Mucha
Fantastic Event guys! Thank you all for voting!
And even more special Thanks to James Gurney for hosting such a intriguing topic. Please James see if you can host a couple more in the Future whenever possible, I understand this curating became quite hectic for you, haha.
I like to Thank my buddy Keppo for bringing up this event to my attention, without him otherwise i would had not notice. 3 cheers to all our friends for being there!
All wonderful pieces but for me it was between Candice's, the Korwins, and Katie's. I would say the Korwins take it.
Having looked at all the entries now, I'm surprised how many people had similar ideas in some cases. For example, several people combined a literal lion with a fish, many put the fish on a girl's head, while others painted a mermaid. I had all three of those ideas independently. Two of them ended up in my sketch.
All are master pieces but the Lionfish Artwork of Jaimie Whitbread is the best among all.
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