Refik Anadol has created the effect a 'machine hallucination' at ArtTecHouse in New York City.

Link to YouTube video Textures projected on flat surfaces suggest flowing textures and floating numerals.
Link to YouTube video The effect is to disorient the viewer, forcing them to question whether the apparent hallucination emerges from their own consciousness or from somewhere else..
Via Design Boom
Made me remember when for the first time in my childhood I looked through a Kaleidoscope - it used to be an experience bordering on magic.
This here is fascinating as well, a similar thing in a magnified way. By the way: "Kaleidoscope" has its roots in the Greek language. "To see beautiful forms", so the translation.
I'm curious if you've ever tried VR. I recently purchase an Oculus Quest, not because of the games available but because of the limited creative apps. SculptVR, Gravity Sketch (which is really 3D modeling software) and Tilt Brush (which is painting in 3 dimensions) are lots of fun. Even some of the more passive VR experiences are really fascinating.
I'm concerned about our reliance on virtual experiences, whether it's on our computers, phones, or now VR headsets, will continue to isolate us rather than bring us together. What's nice about the video you posted is that its an extraordinary experience you can have with others in an actual environment, sharing actual sights and sounds together. Neat!
And to Pierre's comment; the adults in your first photo are all viewing the exhibit through their "mobile devices", and the kids in the far background are seeing it as intended.
The image seems to negate Pierre's point of "sharing sights and sounds together", and is now, the new norm for reality awareness in general, eg. masses of people staring at a rectangle of information, in all situations, instead of being aware of their current surroundings,
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