Sunday, September 11, 2022

Painting my Grandbaby

It's official—I'm a granddad. Here she is at five months old.

I made a YouTube video about painting this portrait in gouache.


Luca said...

Congratulations Grandpa James! A baby in the family is a blessing! :) She looks lovely and has a wonderful smile!

Mitch M. said...

Congrats, She's a real cutie..

Bevan said...

Congrats to parents and grandparents, she is darling. And the portrait process is fun to observe on such an active model.

Ulrik said...

Congrats, Mr. Gurney. I hope that babysitting and painting won't be mutually exclusive! :)

CerverGirl said...

Congratulations James!

Mer Almagro said...

Congratulations James and family! Such a cute baby. Did Jeanette knit that beautiful sweater?

Steve Gilzow said...

Those eyes! So sweet. As it happens, “Granddad” wound up being my appellation. I wonder if you’ll be that or Grandpa, or one of the many other variations. Regardless, congratulations.

Bells said...

Congratulations! he's so beautiful!

Bells said...

Sorry, I meant She is beautiful!

Anne said...

Adorable! And she looks like you!

ET Charles said...

Congratulations. Thanks so much for the painting tutorial.

Gini said...

Congratulations! And thank you, James, for letting me see how you corrected the features!