Last Wednesday I introduced the “Art by Committee” sketchbook, where I take excerpts from an actual science fiction manuscripts, and then illustrate them with the help a coffee-shop committee of artist friends.

Michael Dambold

Pat Dizon

Rick Carlsen

Rob Hummer

“I never understood why you were with him in the first place.”
If you'd like to email me your sketch at jgurneyart@yahoo.com, I'll post those results next Wednesday.
Tomorrow: Costumed Model
Wow, these are some great sketches! Kudos to everyone, and thanks so much to James for putting these up!
This is wonderful.
These are great, guys!
Great stuff, and all very different !
Great work everyone! Some of you put a real lot of work into yours, they look fabulous together. I'm looking forward to what everyone comes up with for next time. Thanks for sharing!
Haha, well done everyone! I love these sketch games. Kevin and Guillaume came up with some really charming designs, but I've got to say my favorite is Sarah's alien with the fruit basket and skateboard. If there is life out there, I hope they are that pleasant/extreme. The flipper propulsion device on your starship is a nice touch, Jim. Can't wait to see the next round!
Fantastic sketches! I found myself thinking "Why didn't I think of that!" after looking at each. I'm looking forward to tackling the next one too, and thank you, James, for letting us all stretch our imaginations a bit and share them with you and each another. And GREAT blog by the way! Been wanting to say that for awhile now. I first discovered it in the weeks leading up to the release of Journey to Chandara and it's been a daily source of knowledge and inspiration since.
And thank you, also, for being among the key individuals whose work has been a primary influence for me to not only always strive toward learning about the craft and improving the skills I have, but also to attempt writing and illustrating a long picturebook type story of my own. Had it not been for first discovering Dinotopia in a local bookstore several years ago I may never have found myself now 2-1/2 years and about midway through the project and chugging along.
Just wanted to express my gratitude and say thanks so much for sharing your time and imagination over the years through all your various projects and daily through your blog, and I look forward to all future posts and projects.
I just noticed how many slingshots and rubber bands there are in these drawings. Ha.
Yes, that and eyes-on-stalks are alive and well. Preferably odd-numbered eyes.
Rob, what can I say? Thanks for your generous words and I'm really excited to see what you're doing with the long-form picture book.
I think I share everyone's amazement at the range and creativity of solutions. That's the best part of art school or just hanging around with other artists: seeing how other people approach a problem.
so is there a winner, where do we vote, haha.
my vote goes for Kevin Hedgepeth if there is such a thing...
but they were all pretty cool.
what does the winner win?
LOL funny stuff. Maybe I'll have a bit of that fun in the future but I'm currently involved in higher priority projects. :)
These are really fun. Love your blog!
Thanks, Munchanka! I am so floored by some of these, and mine is so obviously not professional that I'm in awe just to be part of the group, let alone someone's favorite. I have to say, Rick Carlsen's really amused me.
Besides all the slingshots and eyestalks, I noticed an awful lot of rocketships and flying saucers. Apparently these are circa 1950s aliens...
Anyway, this really was fun--thanks, James. I hope to have time to participate this week.
Thanks Munchanka and gator!
I appreciate the comments.
This is a great exercise in creative thinking and I enjoyed all the entries.
It's interesting how we formulate solutions to art problems. My answer to this "Art by Committee"
challenge just popped into my head; almost as it appears here.
Thanks for the opportunity, James.
These are fantastic! I love this idea and hope that more show up on a regular basis. Thanks so much!
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