The original design for Mount Rushmore showed far more of the figures, as suggested by this preliminary maquette.

I have digitally superimposed the actual carvings of the faces over the maquette. Susan B. Anthony was supposed to be included, too.
But by 1941, federal funding was cut back, and the sculptor, Danish-American Gutzon Borglum, died of a heart attack while the work was still being carved.
This video has aerial shots that show more of the setting.
(Link to video) Video by Smithsonian.
Read more about the design history of the monument at
Thank goodness they stopped when they did. The sculptures today look stately and majestic in person largely because Borglum did not push them too far. Funding limitations and a heart attack did wonders for his legacy.
Compare Mt. Rushmore to the monstrous sculpture of Crazy Horse defacing a nearby mountain. The Crazy Horse team would've been aided by severe budget limitations.
My great grandfather knew and helped fund Borglum. Dad felt connected to this work because of his grandfather. Dad's short term memory was declining rapidly, but when he died a couple months ago, his memories around this were clear.
I'm sorry about your loss,EB. Condolences for your father. I noticed that thing with my mother's aunt too. She could not rememember things happened few minutes before but things happened 80 years before were coming back to her memory (for example she always talked about a place i never heard of. Years later i discovered tjat place existed but changed name in the 20s). It makes tou think that we never actually lose our past,it's always with us. Names, places...and people. :)
Thank you Luka.
i beleive they should have continued. at least with the corps of the 4 legendary politicians, as it wouldve looked more captivating as the whole frontal part of it would be carved, altho the budget was cut in the 40's - 50's they should have kept funding year by years smaller ammounts after it was done so they could later COMPLETE the sculpture. it wouldve been nice to also inclue Susane B. anthony as she was a very big part of history as well as the following 4 men.. George Washington.. Abraham Lincoln.. Thomas Jefferson.. Theodore Roosevelt
I strongly disagree David. Mount Rushmore, while impressive in their detail, has never really struck me as "stately and majestic" in its current state. The fact that viewers can't get closer means that many of the details on the faces don't particularly matter.
Either the monument should have been finished in its complete height, OR the viewing platform should be built closer to the actual monument. If they ever finish it, Crazy Horse will be one thousand times the achievement that Mount Rushmore once was.
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