I'm sad to report that our parakeet Mr. Kooks has died. At more than 11 years of age, he was rather old for a budgie, but still as cheerful as ever until the end.

He was always glad to leave his cage to sit on my shoulder as I painted, or to hang out on his perch-playground. He starred in my video Parakeet Artist, and often posed for an impromptu portrait, such as the one in oil above.
I am really so sorry...
At least, he has been lucky enough to pose for one of the greatest artists of our time... and that way, he is kind of eternal.
Take care,
So sorry to hear that James. I understand how much of a loss it is to lose a beloved pet, and it's not really any easier if they've had an unusually long life. (Our 21 year old cat, Walter, died recently also.)
It's nice that you were able to memorialize him in your art. You'll miss that little weight on your shoulder. :^(
RIP, Mr. Kooks
Very sorry for your loss.
My heart goes out to you today, James.
I had many budgies growing up - even had a few accompany me through my senior year at RISD (and consequently become models on a few occasions!). "Cheerful" is a perfect descriptor for these birds... my absolute favorite sound was that chortling they do, just chatting to themselves...
I couldn't think of a more wonderful environment for a little bird than to be a studio apprentice - I'm sure Mr. Kooks will be greatly missed, but he sure lucked out in life.
Take care.
R.I.P. Mister Kooks. :(
My sympathies
The loss of a pet is very sad.
Sorry to hear. I'm sure the company and companionship he provided will never be forgotten...
I'm sorry to hear that James. I always loved his stellar apearences in your videos.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I enjoyed seeing him in your videos and of course he will be with you forever in art. RIP, Mr. Kooks.
So sorry for your loss! I can tell he had a long, happy life in your home.
My sympathies, too. He was a lucky bird, and you were lucky to have him as a cheerful little presence in your life. Your memories will be sweet. Amazing how such a small little creature can so enrich a life, isn't it?
Sorry so to hear this. I am sure he was quite the companion and part of your family.
I'm sorry for your loss. In times like these I often remember what George Elliot said: “Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.”
So sorry--he was a beautiful budgie.
Oh, such sad news :( I'm so sorry for your loss of that sweet little guy. I will miss seeing him in your future videos. As crowded as your studio is with wonderful things, it must seem empty without him.
I am sorry for your loss James. RIP Mr. Kooks.
You have my sympathy. We fall in love with these creatures, and it is always hard to lose them.
With the departure of my oldest child looming in my near future, I've been on the verge of my emotions for a while now.
Now I know that with all the modern communication available that we'll rarely be out of touch. And I know that we're going up to see her for Labor Day weekend too. It's not the end of the world.
But it sure feels like the end of childhood, the end of a major section of my life.
I can't help thinking of this constant list of advice ranging from quite practical to philosophical. Like these....
Tell a friend where you are going on a date and when you expect to return.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Kooks! I know how profoundly these creatures can touch our lives...
He will be remembered.
So sorry to read of the loss of your little friend and painting companion. RIP Mr Kooks.
So sorry to hear of your loss. He was one lucky bird to be so loved.
I'm so sorry...it will be so quiet without him. I remember a blog photo of Mr. Kooks on your shoulder I wish I could find again.
Godspeed, Mr. Kooks. So sorry, James.
I'm sorry to hear that, Master.
He is on the bird's heaven.
Beautiful bird.
God bless him.
Aww, sorry to here that. I really liked seeing him in your videos. It looks like he had a very happy life!
Such sad, sad news. Hugs to you. May you always hear him with your heart and feel he's hovering close by to tilt a discerning eye on your work.
Oh, Jim. Sad. I always enjoyed Mr. Kooks's appearances. He was clearly loved. I'll miss him.
Very sorry to hear it. He was a fine bird and an excellent artist.
Feeling for your loss, thank you for sharing these wonderful representations of Mr. Kooks.
Thanks, everybody for your kind wishes. It's so nice to hear that Mr. Kooks had such a big bunch of friends. Sorry I didn't respond sooner, but we were gone all day and then the internet quit when we returned.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He was so gracefull and I think we'll all miss this little guy appearances in your videos. Pets are family and it's not easy to loose them, but he had a great happy life being so loved and being able to leave the cage and be your painting companion.
Oh No, so sorry to hear that!:-(
RIP Mr Kooks!
He'll be living on through your books, art and videos.
He was in good hands and will be remembered. What a nice oil portrait of Mr. Kooks!
RIP Mr. Kooks. And thank you Mr. Gurney for drawing him for me.I'm sorry for your loss of a dear friend.
Thanks for sharing Mr.Kooks with us.Our little friends in their brief lives teach us so much about appreciating every moment.
So sorry for the ;oss of your good friend. I can see that he had a wonderful happy life with you.
Thanks, everybody. Just a note about the remaining comments--for some reason this post gets a lot of spam comments, and it's a hassle to remove them, so I'll just leave them up. So what follows are mostly going to be unsolicited notices from all sorts of tour operators and real estate developers.
Note to readers: this blog post seems to draw a lot of spam, and it's a hassle to erase each one, so please know that I'm aware of the spammish comments.
Business at home...??? want to join the best business without any work, just invest and rest
I've been working my way through your blog from the oldest to newest and reached this post today. I've been wondering about Mr. Kooks and whether you still had him--he was very entertaining and I love how you included him in your videos. I had a parakeet when I was a kid, not for quite as long, but he was also a very smart and entertaining bird and also spent his days out of his cage. It's made me want to get another one. Sorry for your loss, but what great memories to have of this cute little fellow!
Thanks, Urban and everyone else. We have great memories of Mr. Kooks, what a big personality for such a little guy.
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