I'll be showing more about gradients and how to use them in your paintings when I release "Gradients" on September 10.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
How a Brayer Gradient Shows Through
I'll be showing more about gradients and how to use them in your paintings when I release "Gradients" on September 10.
Monday, August 30, 2021
Sketching a Speed Boat, Despite the Wind, Rain, and Quicksand
(Link to YouTube) Painting voyage with Jeanette, Smooth, and son Frank in his 1966 Glastron speedboat. The goal was to sketch the moored boat from the shore of a wild island, but first we have to overcome rain, wind, quicksand, and an engine that won’t start.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
"...I must put my foot in a bit of truth."
"I can't work completely out of my imagination. I must put my foot in a bit of truth; and then I can fly free."
—Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009)
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Václav Brožík, ( Czech 1851-1901)
Václav Brožík (b. 1851-1901) was a Czech painter who studied at the academy in Prague and Dresden, lived in Paris and became a teacher.
Václav Brožík was featured in a major exhibition in Prague in 2003, which rescued him from obscurity.
Václav Brožík on Wikipedia
Book: Vaclav Brozik, 1851-1901
Friday, August 27, 2021
Audrey Munson, Artists' Muse
Her figure inspired so many sculptures that she became known as "Miss Manhattan" or the "Venus of Washington Square."
She wrote an article for the popular press acknowledging that she was the anonymous subject of so many nude statues that adorned the city.
“That which is the immodesty of other women has been my virtue — my willingness that the world should gaze upon my figure unadorned.”
Book: The Curse of Beauty: The Scandalous & Tragic Life of Audrey Munson, America's First Supermodel
Muddy Colors blog post: Audrey Munson: America's Venus
Wikipedia: Audrey Munson
Bowery Boys podcast: Tragic Muse
Thursday, August 26, 2021
William Walcot's Architectural Art
William Walcot (1874-1943) was an architect, etcher, and watercolorist with a taste for monumental, classical forms.
The masses of light and dark tone are unified into large shapes, creating a sense of monumentality, mood, and scale.
The book The Great Perspectivists describes Walcot's watercolor technique in this way: the watercolor "is richly and impressionistically applied over the underlying geometry of the drawing: a free technique which brought out the building's monumentality and the contrast of solid and void, and which may have owed something to the architectural etchings of Frank Brangwyn."
William Walcot on Wikipedia
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Painting with Roger Bansemer
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
How Phil May Built a Drawing
Victorian caricaturist Phil May (1864-1903) described his method of building a drawing:
"First of all I get the general idea, of which I sketch a rough outline, and from this general idea I never depart. Then I make several studies from the model in the poses which the drawing requires, and redraw my figures from these studies."
"The next step is to draw the picture completely, carefully putting in every line necessary to fulness of detail: and the last to select the particular lines that are essential to the effect I want to produce, and take the others out."
Sometimes, according to David Cuppleditch, "he transferred his figures from sketchbook to working page with tracing paper. He nearly always worked with a very sharp pencil or crayon edge so as to achieve simple, strong lines."
George Hacklett said, "The one important lesson learned from his Bulletin work was the value of a longer and heavier line, made imperative by the large scale of his cartoons."
Wikipedia on Phil May (caricaturist)
Quotes are from the book: Phil May: The Artist and His Wit
Monday, August 23, 2021
What happens when our eyes move?
We move our eyes about three times per second. Each time we do, the image projected on the retinal surface shifts and resets.
Although the process is mostly unconscious, we are always surveying the peripheral areas of the retina for where to jump next.
Right before your focus shifts from one point to another, a message travels from the motor cortex to the eye muscles predicting the movement and anticipating the observed result. A process called corollary discharge suppresses the signal during the jump so that we're not overwhelmed with the smeared image.
Despite all this frenetic movement we maintain the impression that the world is stable.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Three Artists Paint Cole's Studio
Friday, August 20, 2021
Painting Baby Goats
Baby goats frolic around us on the Kesicke Farm.
We're hanging out with painter Christopher L. Evans.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Zorn's Brewery Painting
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Shooting Illustration Reference Photos
The publishing client generally would pay for these sessions. Modeling sessions were expensive, so the team had to make the best use of the time. The illustration photographers had busy schedules with back-to-back appointments.
Paperback illustrator Bob Larkin recalled, "I had only an hour to shoot. Steve [Holland] first posed for what I wanted, and then what Bob [Osonitsch] suggested, then Steve did what he thought would work. Everything is going smoothly until Bob's camera shot counter tells him to put in a new roll of film. Bob opens the back of the camera to put a new roll in—and no first roll was put in! This is early in the morning. He's still not awake yet. We had a good laugh, Bob apologized, and we started all over again from the beginning with minutes to spare before the next artist had to shoot Steve. He was booked all day anyway."
Doc Savage cover by Bob Larkin
Read More:
Magazine: The quote comes from the new issue of Illustration #73, which includes features on Peter Driben, Art Fitzpatrick / Van Kaufman, Zoë Mozert, Steve Holland, and Robert Osonitsch
Steve Holland: The Torn Shirt Sessions and Steve Holland: The World's Greatest Illustration Art Model
Monday, August 16, 2021
I'll be part of Lightbox Expo in September

I'll be introducing a new feature-length tutorial about GRADIENTS, and I'll release three interactive YouTube premieres starting on September 10.
Tickets go on sale today, and the paywall is super cheap—You can get in the door for just $1 (the fee is to keep out the 'bots). More info at the Lightbox Expo website
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Giant Monorail

Saturday, August 14, 2021
Solomon J. Solomon Paints a Young Violinist
"Elman was still only a boy when [musician Leopold] Auer arranged for him to play with the famous Colonne Orchestra during their visit to Pavlovsk. Knowing Édouard Colonne's hatred of child prodigies, Auer did not tell him Elman's age when making the arrangements, and not until the famous conductor saw young Mischa waiting to go on the platform did he realize that he had engaged a child. He was furious, and flatly refused to continue with the programme. Frantic attempts were made to assure him that Elman had the recommendation of Auer himself and was well capable of doing justice to the music, but Colonne was adamant, "I have never yet played with a child, and I refuse to start now," he retorted. So Elman had to play with piano accompaniment while conductor and orchestra sat listening." According to Elman ."I was eleven at the time. When Colonne saw me, violin in hand, ready to step on the stage, he drew himself up and said with emphasis: 'I play with a prodigy! Never!' Nothing could move him, and I had to play to a piano accompaniment. After he had heard me play, though, he came over to me and said: 'The best apology I can make for what I said is to ask you to do me the honor of playing with the Orchestre Colonne in Paris.' He was as good as his word. Four months later I went to Paris and played the Mendelssohn concerto for him with great success."
Friday, August 13, 2021
"I Have an Upside Down Stomach"
This isn't my usual way of drawing, but Mr. Wright had such an unusual way of presenting himself that I couldn't resist relaxing a bit.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Landing the Spirit of St. Louis
Cassens is the Aerodrome's veteran mechanic, builder, and pilot. This replica has the fuel tank in front of the pilot, just like Charles Lindbergh's original, but the tank blocks the pilot's view forward.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
History Paintings by José Moreno Carbonero
José Moreno Carbonero (1858-1942) was a Spanish painter who brought moments of history to life with grandeur and pageantry.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Mermaid's Minoan World
The architecture on the seafloor is Minoan. The idea came from the proposal that a historic volcanic eruption on the island of Thera devastated the Minoan civilization, thereby inspiring Plato's account of Atlantis.
My wife posed for the mermaid.
Monday, August 9, 2021
How Thomas Lawrence Painted a Portrait
Unfinished portraits by Sir Thomas Lawrence (English, 1769-1830) reveal insights into his painting methods.
"Lawrence always painted standing. ‘His constant practice was to begin by making a drawing of the head full size on canvass; carefully tracing dimensions and expression. This took up one day’
[I'm quoting from a webpage of National Portrait Gallery who sources these insights from Lawrence's own writings, those of his sitters, and of his early biographer Allan Cunningham, 1833 pp.194-5."]