Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Here's a drawing that I did about 30 years ago of the Church of the Messiah in Rhinebeck, NY. 

I drew it with pen and ink on scratchboard. The style is an homage to Franklin Booth (1874-1948), whose work was in turn inspired by the look of wood engraving.


Content in a Cottage said...

This drawing is beautiful. Happy Easter.

Tom Hart said...

A Happy Easter to you, Jeanette and the rest of the family. It's great to see your scratchboard work. You are a master of so many mediums! Have you worked much in scratchboard since then? I enjoyed dabbling in it years ago, and also enjoyed it as an easier way to get a wood engraving-like look. Have you tried wood engraving, speaking of that? (I'm guessing so :^))

RobCarey said...

Wonderful drawing- Happy Easter to you as well!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - such visual clarity.

Ravi Gupta said...

Its brilliant, Love it :)

Rich said...

Happy whatever!
Well, of course it's Easter in my latitudes and longitudes here.

Was happy to look at this xylographically rendered church and cloud & people.

rock995 said...

Happy Easter to you also. Glad to see you love FB also!

Dave Lebow said...

What a great drawing !! I love the small suggested figures going into the church!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Easter!