A jury selects artists to stay in the primitive cabin for week-long residencies from July 1 - September 30. There's running water, a propane stove, a refrigerator, an outhouse, basic electricity and no internet.
The location was a favorite spot for Hudson-River-School painters such as Asher B. Durand and Thomas Cole, although the long vistas are more hemmed-in by trees these days. The nice thing about staying up there is that you can walk outdoors and paint streams and waterfalls from morning to night.
The location was a favorite spot for Hudson-River-School painters such as Asher B. Durand and Thomas Cole, although the long vistas are more hemmed-in by trees these days. The nice thing about staying up there is that you can walk outdoors and paint streams and waterfalls from morning to night.
Propane stove... okay.
Outhouse... fine.
No internet... for a week!?
(In seriousness, sounds like an experience. Unfortunately I've neither the geographic convenience or the chops to apply. I guess I can't go chasing waterfalls, so I'll stick to the rivers and lakes that I'm used to...)
Dear Mr. Gurney,
I heard a portion of your travel request of old books that might be about foreign places. Are you familiar with the complete travel encyclopedia written by a man named STODDARD from the turn of the century? there may be as many as 10 in the set...from all over the world, with lovey hand drawings as illustrations. From the sounds of it, you might enjoy this historic travel log.
You have alpt of fun, me thinks.
a newbe to your pages,
Unknown, thank you.
I happen to own Stoddard’s volume about Constantinople and Egypt, but didn’t realize there were other volumes in the set. You’re right, they are beautifully illustrated and written. I’ll check the rest of them out.
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