Monday, December 2, 2019

Krøyer's Studio

This photo of the studio of Peder Krøyer (Danish, 1851-1909) studio shows his famous painting Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Just below that is a parabolic reflecting lantern, and on the floor is his field box.

Wine Bar by Peder Severin Krøyer
Peder Krøyer on Wikipedia


karlsimon said...


A Colonel of Truth said...

About 12 years ago, we spent time in Skagen, visited the terrific museum of the Skagen painters, the famous hotel that displayed their work, etc. A wonderful place to see, and paint.

Trey said...

When you zoom in to his painting "Hip, Hip, Hurrah!" it appears that the casts in his studio are what he used to paint several of the men in the painting. Am I seeing that correctly?

Thom Rozendaal said...

Hi James, I had a question which I'd be very interested to read a blog post about; seeing as how flowers come in nearly any color, why don't we use flowers to make pigments? I understand it would be hard to separate the biological matter from the pigments so maybe it would be possible to study how flowers produce these colors and recreate the processes in a lab? Has this ever been attempted before? Are there any pigments that are already made from flowers? It seems most are made of some type of mineral or something, and I guess I'm just worried we'll some day overmine some of them as we are already doing with so many other things, whereas flowers are already being produced on a mass scale and are a renewable resource.

James Gurney said...

Thom, on a quick search, I learned that thee are two main types of pigments i flowers: carotenoids and flavonoids, both of which have organic pigment compositions that fade easily because the large molecules are easily broken by ultraviolet light. Scientific American says: "Carotenoids include carotene pigments (which produce yellow, orange and red colors). Flavonoids include anthocyanin pigments (which produce red, purple, magenta and blue colors). Usually, the color a flower appears depends on the color of the pigments in the flower, but this can be affected by other factors. For example, blue cornflowers have the same pigments as red roses, but the pigments in the cornflower petals are bound to other pigments and metal ions, making cornflowers look blue."